Saturday, February 21, 2004

Follow up visit & Ultrasound result - 14 weeks pregnant

I went for my second OB appt on Weds and the doc was very happy since I have had my "first" weight gain during the pregnancy = 5lbs. wooohooo! FINALLY, a man who is happy when women gain weight. hahaha. I was able to hear the baby's heartbeat again and it's very strong and fast... so far, so good.

So during this appt, he reviewed the radiologist's report regarding my thyroid ultrasound. Apparently I have a 2.8cm x 1.2 cm nodule on the right side. Normally they would consider it a no big deal - "ignore it" kind of thing - but the ultrasound showed is increased vascularity to the region and the radiologist recommended it be checked further. Of course my doc delivers babies, he doesn't know much about thyroid (admittedly) so I have been referred to ANOTHER doctor!

This doc is supposed to provide a "second opinion" as to whether or not to request a biopsy. I am going to assert myself in this appointment and press the issue.

First of all, every doctor I have seen for at least the last 10 years has noticed my enlarged thyroid and proceeded to run the necessary blood tests, which all came out in the normal numbers. However, none of them have mentioned a nodule before... so either it was not palpable or they didn't feel it was worth mentioning. I was an HMO victim once before, so I sure wouldn't put it past them to ignore it as a way to save money. That sounds so terrible... but... in light of my past experiences I can't help but feel that way at times!

Anyhow I am going to see if I can convince to go ahead and do a biopsy. It would give me tremendous peace of mind to know what it really is or isn't. This appointment isn't until March 8th which is 4 days after I have amniocentisis to check out the baby. anticipation....

I am feeling more pregnant everyday. I think this baby grew twice it's size in one week! All of a sudden pants don't fit and sheesh, nothing looks good on me anymore. Who knew that one day I would be admitting that maternity pants are SO COOL!! heheheh. I gave in and put on a pair, and oh what a relief to not have to unbutton anymore.

Okay I am going to wrap this letter up - I need to be horizontal for awhile. Time to go to bed.

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Thyroid Ultrasound

Went to North State Imaging at 10 this morning for ultrasound of my neck. They only did the one side where my "nodule" is ... what if there is something smaller on the other side that can't be seen? ughhhhh the things that go through your mind. The tech wouldn't tell me anything, of course (other than there IS a nodule, duh) and defers to the radiologist that will read the report and send it to my doctor. Go home, wait.

Monday, February 02, 2004


I likely had a thyroid disorder for at least 7-10 years prior to my diagnosis. I was always aware of an enlarged thyroid or "goiter" in my neck and it was clearly visible to anyone. Every doctor I saw in this period of time - generally once a year for my annual OB/Gyn appt - was asked (by me) to please look at this area and I also requested the appropriate blood testing. To the doctor, this meant testing my TSH, T4 and T3 which always came out within the normal ranges.

Since these levels came out "normal" and I was not symptomatic of Hyperthyroid or Hypothyroid disorders, none of my doctors pursued any further testing nor did they refer me to an endocrinologist for further examination. In retrospect, I wish I had known to ask for a referral a specialist, because I had a sleeping dragon in my body, so to speak! But they told me I was "ok", to go home and not worry, so I did that.

Prior to moving to Chico my last regular annual exam was in July 2003. I asked the doc to check my thyroid, he noticed the goiter, ran the same tests and everything again was normal. End of story.

After finding out that I was pregnant in December 2003, my first OB appt was in January 2004, this was a new doctor for me - I asked him to check my thyroid. Upon palpation he noticed a nodule on the right hand side (in addition to the obvious goiter) and asked me if my last doctor had mentioned it to me? Uhhhh…no…..and what is a nodule? Doc referred me to the radiologist to have an ultrasound of the area on my neck where he felt the nodule. It took several weeks to get into the place and have this done.