Monday, July 26, 2004

Going for a second opinion

My OB/Gyn referred me to two new doctors (an Internal Med Specialist & an Oncologist), one I saw last week wants me to NOT WAIT to have the radioactive iodine treatment,, he wants me to have it as soon as I can after the baby's birth (probably one month after) and I am a little scared about it.

I am waiting for the other doc's office to call - my OB wanted me to get more opinions on treatment because he ALSO personally thinks its better not to wait a couple of months! This just makes things more difficult, going through RAI with a one month old baby and having to be away from her for a week after treatment. So it looks like sooner rather than later. I will get about 4-6 weeks off meds to get my TSH levels high enough to uptake the radioactive iodine, breastfeed my baby as much as possible in that time and recover from c-section. oh boy, how is that for a menu?