Sunday, May 02, 2004

What is RAI or I-131?

Here is some info on the RAI therapy to better clear it up for you: 'RAI' is short for Radioactive Iodine or I-131. "Thyroid cells are unique in that they have the cellular mechanism to absorb iodine. The iodine is used by thyroid cells to make thyroid hormone. No other cell in the body can absorb or concentrate iodine. Physicians can take advantage of this fact and give radioactive iodine to patients with thyroid cancer. There are several types of radioactive iodine, with one type being toxic to cells. Papillary cancer cells absorb iodine and therefore they can be targeted for death by giving the toxic isotope (I-131). Once again, not everybody with papillary thyroid cancer needs this therapy, but those with larger tumors, spread to lymph nodes or other areas, tumors which appear aggressive microscopically, and older patients may benefit from this therapy."

I had a large tumor, over 1.5cm plus several other small tumors which HAVE metastasized to my lymph nodes, this means I might still have cancer. Removing the thyroid gland alone is not enough once it has spread from that area. Unfortunately all the doctors I have seen in the last 7 years never thought it necessary to pursue other testing or treatment and I didn't know any better since I didn't have symptoms to speak of.... if they had, my life today and my cancer experience would have been leagues different.
That depresses me and makes me sick at my stomach everytime I think about it.

Anyhow they have to give me the RAI to make sure to kill the cancer cells that might still be in there.
I just read a disturbing article that came out April 27th regarding potential neural development difficulties for children born to women with Hashimoto's or thyroid issues.... it is from the American Thyroid Assoc, a legit organization. So the theory of waiting until after baby is born to remove these potential problems is going to be an old-fashioned theory someday real soon.... another reason I am glad I listened to my instincts. I can only pray that my baby won't be damaged in some way from my messed up body.
Makes me sick.

I hope my docs know what they are doing too. I am reading constantly to educate myself on these issues so I will know that what they are doing is correct protocol and also so I will ask the right questions, ask for the right tests, etc. I have already requested one blood test I will get next week that my doc would not have suggested, I explained why and he agreed and ordered it up. I have already purchased two recently published books which are sold by subscription only to doctors and researchers. I am half way through the first one.