Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Test Results are in!

Radiologist report says it's "unremarkable"!! That is good news according to the Oncologist, she said the scan results in combination with the Thyroglobulin blood test results do not show any indication of cancer! WAHOOOOOOO

I have waited 10 long months for this answer. It's so weird that they gave me the treatment and then I had to wait all this time to find out if it worked. It was difficult and I tried to put it out of my thoughts but in the back of my mind the thought was always there that it might not have worked.

So now I am celebrating life.

I owe many thanks and hugs to my friends and family who supported me with love and prayers during this whole adventure. Thank you.

More to come as I find the time to blog. Leila is one now and keeps me on my toes, so not much time on the computer it seems.

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